Friends of The Castle Players enjoy priority booking for our very popular Summer Production. Always outside, we provide some covered seating just incase the British Summer weather isn't quite up to scratch! As a Friend, you will be guaranteed covered seats if you book before tickets go on general sale; a definite bonus of membership! You are also entitled to a complimentary programme for the Summer Performance plus you and a guest are invited to enjoy a complimentary drink in the Castle Players' Friends Gazebo during any interval of the summer show. Your membership card will be required to access the programme and gazebo.  

In addition to the above you will receive exclusive Newsletters (either by email or in the post) keeping you up to date with what we are up to. You'll get backstage news and will learn of our upcoming productions in advance of them being publicised to the wider community. 

Founded in 1999, the Friends of The Castle Players are a thriving and growing group.

Tilly Bailey & Irvine The Witham Mithril Ales